
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dr Graevling and WIP's

First of all
My favorite 2D erotic artist birthday is today (31.01.). I check his Account twice a day, to see if there is something new of his sweet charactes.
He made W0W porn while I played it as well, and now he is makind TERA fanart as well.
So he hits exactly my interests xD and he has very good drawing skills.

I wanted to give him a litte present since I allways enjoy his work.
This one was rendered just for your birthday, Dr Graevling.
Happy Birthday!

Well, everyone else can enjoy this picture as well, of course ;)

Sadly, Blogger really compresses the image files, which causes some artifacts in the picture :(

 This is an animation I am working on.
I have to redo her, since it didn't came out aus smooth as I wanted, but that was caused by the one missing graphic card, which is still not "repaired" yet. It is a huge difference in my viewport. Animations aren't running so smoothly with just one card. :(
I hope I get it back soon.

 Just an older test für my HighElf

Some magically floating green penises.
I made a similar picture some years. Also with a bloodelf.

Anothee test with the new lovely bloodelf


  1. We can't donwload this?!

    Also, i wonder if there's a way to donate money?

    1. there is no animation in this post, so there is nothing to download but the pictures
      Since there is no queue manager with octane, I get videos rendered really slow because I have to load every animation file in poser and start octane manually
      I usually render my videos over night with the queue manager, when the pc isn't needed for work. But with octane I can't wake up ever 1-2 hours to start another animation.

      There will be a way to donate, When I sell my first commercial work you can buy it if you like ;)

  2. Some seriously awesome stuff here. I am especially fond of the 2nd pic. Well done!

    1. thanks :)
      the second one was supposed to transmit a very passionate feeling between these two characters

  3. Wie immer; sehr schöne arbeit und toll das du so aktiv bist :)

    - Tolles Interview auf affect3d


  4. beautiful work.. in my eyes, i prefer your art to Dr Graevling. personal taste, i am sure. I love how you made the second and second to last.. I sincerely hope you expand on those two scenes into a movie, as you have done many times in the past. I may be a new fan but you have my attention. You two are a twice a day check for me.

    1. these two you mentioned will be an animation
      just need to look how they come out
      but by now, they look quite nice in motion

  5. I been watching you blog for a few years an I think all you have done is great to me.I would have to say my favorate characters of yours has been the blood elvies an starting to really like your Castanic with the long horns an ponytail very sexy.I also read your interview on Affect3D an hope your future plans turn out for the best I'd love to see your best work ever.

    1. :)
      The bloodelves are still one my favorits as well, I keep improving them too
      They are kind of evil, lustfull and naughty (considering their flirts)
      But I am more related to my castanic now, since I play Tera now instead of WoW

      as I do, the future shines bright as well :P

  6. i guess we cannot get this models right? it would be awesome... :3 i've been animating for some long time and i have a pretty powerfull pc to render animations faster than the average, and would love to contribute to your blog with some animations ^^

    Is it possible?

    oh, by the way... i freaking love tera :3

    1. ;) what do you animate? Do you have something to show?
