you probably have heard all sort of stupid puns with PSY's gangnam style by now but it matched the content pretty well
Some more TERA related clips with my new favorite character "Sasha" the Castanic
btw, TERA finally got free2play
seriously it was clear right from the start... I knew I just had to wait a bit and here it is...
I mean the graphic is awesome for an MMO, really great assembled levels and environment,
the characters and armors are super hot and cool,
the fighting system is really fun,
but the grinding system and the quests are super boring...
I tried it with the trial version and you just click the quests and kill some things...
Sure thing I haven't seen all of the game content because of the restrictions of the trial version, but so far it was really boring to quest and collect items for crafting
maybe it will be better with the ability to communicate with other persons in the game (which is disabled in the trial version) and exchange some ideas, but for that I have to wait until february and until I have some time for the game.
well enough for that now (you can still give me your thoughts of the game and if you are [still] playing when it goes free2play next month)
Here we GOOO--Oooohh
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Here is something you allready know, but I must say I really like this one
still a bit different
matched it with the others
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I tried some new different versions of HighElves, joining in for some fun
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here another one
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aaaaand another one you allready know but with new paper wrapped around it
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yeah I know, this "gangbang effect" is really cheap, but it saved me a lot rendertime
do you have a better name for my Castanic star "Sasha" or is it suiting?
for all clips