Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nightelves and Sylvanas WIPs

I worked on some nightelves again since I started to redo them for Octane but had problems with octanes material editor and now it's working again.

The pink one looks quite good. The blue one is not as good as I hoped. But you tell me what she could be missing.

Sylvanas is close to the blue nightelf (even in the lore, Sylvanas is more of a bloodelf) I decided to work on her again too.

Maybe even bigger breasts?
She is so badass, she needs to look luscious.

jsut a comparison to the bloodelf body


  1. Thanks! Please finish your animated work from the previous post! :)

  2. What could be missing with the blue one it it'is the exact same model as the pink one ? I wouldn't mind bigger breasts tbh :p

    1. Yeah, blue and pink one are twins
      I was more refering to the colors I should use for tattoo and hair

  3. Endlich Nachtelfen*-* die pinke ist echt klasse aber ich glaube nachtelfen sind an sich ein kleines bisschen...nun ja, kurviger. Ansonsten wie immer, gute Arbeit.

    1. Ja meine NacKtelfen hier sollten etwas kurviger wirken als die blutelfen, aber wollte es nicht zu weit treiben, da diese ja auch ähnliche abstammung haben und die nachtelfen ja auch trainiert sind
      kann mal ein vergleichs bild blutelfe und nachtelfe hinpacken

    2. schau dir mal das Bild hier an. Meinst du, du würdest die Proporzionen hinbekommen und alles andere vl auch? Z.B. Haare, Gesicht etc? Wäre echt ein Traum..:)

    3. Muss ich mal schauen
      Hab leider in nächster Zeit wieder kaum Freiraum um da zu experimentieren, aber wenn dann schau ich mal

  4. Shouldn't night elves be taller than blood elves ? ^^

    1. Allways thought the other way around, but they are even smaller than humans.
      Well then I have to change some things^^

  5. Well for Sylvanas could probably narrow the waist a bit to accentuate her hips. That seems to be the focus of pretty much every pic of her. Nice midriff offset by a wide set of hips to grab on to, and a rockin pair of tits! :-P
