maybe a little ill, but still alive
I told you I was moving to another city in my last post 3 months ago.
I moved because I started a new study.
This new study is really fun for me, but also very time consuming.
I had project works right from the start and it is sometimes impossible to get finished before the deadline. So I was working even in my breaks and of course at home.
Still, I really like what I am doing there. I worked hard to get there.
But like I said, the time table is very tight, and they say it gets even tighter in next half of a year, but after that, the hardest part will be hopefully over.
Another good thing, that will follow after the first year, is that we start working with 3D media (right now it's just 2D and PS etc).
3D have to sit back and wit until we are through with the basics.
Nevertheless, I told you that I have some old video clips allready rendered.
I really don't like most of them, because the animation didn't came out as I wanted.
There is only one animation I really like.
This is some kind of christmas gift to you.
RS Download
because I liked the last Castanic animation, I rerendered it with the red haired version:
RS Download
I haven't worked on the models for Tyrande, Alexstrasza or Whitemane, so there won't be any animations with these models.
But there are some with Sylvanas and my Bloodelf Valeera.
Here are two version with different lights of the blonde haired Valeera.
RS Download
RS Download
and something with the lovely Sylvanas
RS Download
someone asked if there were a donate button.
No there isn't, this would be a waste of your mone
Like I said before, I don't like most of the allready rendered animations, because they don't look good. Here are examples.
It's yours to decide how much much you like/dislike them.
RS Download
RS Download
RS Download
pass for all:
Some asked about castanic anal, troll, orcs and goblins.
They will return someday, but not this year ;)
So I wish you some happy and joyfull days, with best health and friends :)
These are my gifts to you.
best regards