My favorite 2D erotic artist birthday is today (31.01.). I check his Account twice a day, to see if there is something new of his sweet charactes.
He made W0W porn while I played it as well, and now he is makind TERA fanart as well.
So he hits exactly my interests xD and he has very good drawing skills.
I wanted to give him a litte present since I allways enjoy his work.
This one was rendered just for your birthday, Dr Graevling.
Happy Birthday!
Well, everyone else can enjoy this picture as well, of course ;)
Sadly, Blogger really compresses the image files, which causes some artifacts in the picture :(
This is an animation I am working on.
I have to redo her, since it didn't came out aus smooth as I wanted, but that was caused by the one missing graphic card, which is still not "repaired" yet. It is a huge difference in my viewport. Animations aren't running so smoothly with just one card. :(
I hope I get it back soon.
Just an older test für my HighElf
Some magically floating green penises.
I made a similar picture some years. Also with a bloodelf.
Anothee test with the new lovely bloodelf