Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Birthday

Life is unfair... so here are presents and stuff.
People who have birthday in december or general at the end of the year usually only get one big present for their birthday and that religios holiday.
All these cool summer kids have it more balanced over the year, plus they can party in mild summer evenings while others can't even celebrate with family and friends on 30th december because everyone wants to party the next day.
So I want to give you all some extra presents, so that no one feels left behind or forgotten!
It still mostly sucks having birthday in december.. but hey, she also mostly sucks:

--------(with sound)--------
Mixtape   /   UL   /   MEGA

Mixtape    /   UL   /   MEGA

Mixtape   /    UL   /   MEGA

Mixtape   /    UL   /   MEGA

Mixtape   /    UL   /   MEGA

So I hope you had some nice and relaxed days and now I sadly have to tell you, I wont posting anything before next year...




  1. Wow, thank you!
    (Such a shame you won't be posting until next ye--- WAIT A MINUTE.. I've been bamboozled!) :P

    Take care man, looking forward to hearing more from you... Soon, I hope. ;)

  2. Is your birthday in December? Feelsbadman.

    1. No I am cool summer kid, with mild evening parties^^

  3. Happy Birthday! The video with sound is great, you did an amazing job with it! I love the spit-roast too!

    Out of curiosity, mainly because I don't know much of how you make these. Is it possible to recreate animations but at different angles? Would really like to see the spit-roast at a different angle.

    Also, I would like to send you a birthday present! How can I send a donation?

    1. It's actual not my birthday, I was more hinting to a birthday a whole lot of the world celebrates at this time and like I described the ones who suffer from it.
      For a different angle of the animation I would need to re-render the whole thing, which will at least take 7hours with all the postwork, IF there is another angle that looks good enough to me to go through that.

      I am really thinking about getting some help starting the patreon finally, but on a way like "Ellowas" did.
      Just kindly asking for it, and besides WIP's leaving everything 4free.
      Because I wont be able to do sound everytime, the one extra as patreon could be different angles.

    2. This is something I would certainly support in what ways I can, as I'm sure many others will as well!

      7 hours! Wow that's a long time!

    3. really it depends on the scene, but taken the first animation here had 320 frames, each about a minute to render in this quality, so a little over 5 hours render time
      then applying the postwork, which can also be between 20 to 40 minutes to render out
      plus the assembling of the single loops
      adding sound can really take hours on its own, but since I would use the same loop order, that wouldn't need any adjustments for different angles

      If I choose an angle that is even closer to the figures, the render time per frame can go up, but also if I choose one more far away it can go down

      Usually I don't cheat while animating, so the animations are working from different angles
      Only thing is that some things are just blocked by any other bodypart and I often try to reveal as much as I can, even when I know that sometimes hiding something adds a bit more spice to it.

  4. Not my birthday by any means, but I'll take the present. Excellent as usual, thanks. :)

  5. I love the sound! It really adds to the viewing pleasure and helps set the mood. ^^

    Keep up the great work man, you are great!

    1. thanks :)
      yeah sound is allways a big plus, but also a big work plus to fit it right
      But hey it was JC's birthday, so something special was needed.

  6. your animations are amazing but do you really need some giant ass watermark distracting from the goods?

    1. thank you and sadly yes
      I want everyone to know that you can find it there for free
      there are a lot of fake site which uses other peoples work to lure customers in to pay for their non existing shit
      I just wont make it too easy for them to overpaint my watermark, to your slight disadvantage

      but I personally think sometimes, like the ones with the mistletoe, it adds a nice spirit

  7. Hey I'm a december kid so thanks for that! You're totally right about the birthday stuff, although this year we did have a mega birthday party for those of us born at the end of the year before everyone went back home, it was pretty neat :>
    Incredible work btw!

    1. Well then, congrats on you for multiple reasons :)

  8. Hi,there,
    first i want to congratulate for the great works., i rally like them. I just wanted to ask if the last file in this post is like another view of this one . I mean is it the same penetration.

    1. Hey there.
      Thanks for your nice words.
      About your question: No it's a completely different animation, girl, lighting and render engine :)
